Pato's goal prompted a few arrogant and angry Mexican supporters to hurl bottles of Budweiser at the Uruguayan contingent. This unreported old school football aggravation carried on for about 5 minutes into the half time interval.
It came to an end when the other "Pato" (dancing to the Tambor below) was forced to take off his "Pato" head and join the Uruguayan massive with rearguard vocal quacks of support as a bare chested Peñarol posse gave the Mexican morons an off the field football slap down.
Much credit here also to the Elders from Mexico who confronted their own fools and forced them to watch match from some other vantage point during the second half.
Cameras had a assist here also. No one wants to be YouTube hooligan and it's hard to throw a punch when you have a camera in hand.
PS. 20,000 Argentines versus 20,000 Mexicans at Soccer City next Sunday. Waka Waka time? More like Makarapa time!